Setting the price based on form item choices

Video transcript:

In this video we'll guide you through creating reservation forms and understanding pricing manager rules to tailor your booking process to your business needs.

Let's get started.

Before we dive into pricing rules let's talk about reservation form items.

These are the building blocks that allow you to collect specific information during the booking process.

You can customize the reservation form in site settings > reservation form layout.

Now let's add a drop down menu to our reservation form.

This is useful when you want clients to choose from a list of options or services.

Imagine you want different prices based on a drop-down choice.

Let's set that up together, in this use case a holiday home with different meal selections.

Pricing manager rules are what is used to customize the price based on various conditions.

Let's explore how to make your pricing dynamic and responsive to your client's choices.

Select site settings > pricing manager, add a new rule called reservation form item and select your form item and select the value, then set the price.

In this use case we set the reservation price based on the selected form item but you can also use a form item value to increase or decrease the total price.

To demonstrate this we'll add a checkbox to our form.

Let's go back to the reservation form and add a checkbox to offer optional extras like a travel card for a discount.

Select site settings > pricing manager.

Add a new rule called reservation form item and select your checkbox and the yes value to set the discount if the checkbox was selected.

You can increase or decrease the total using plus or minus symbols before the price.

we can set a fixed discount like -10 or we can set a percentage if we select the percentage symbol from the drop down.

Lastly let's explore the scenario where the price increases by a fixed amount for each unit selected in a form item, a drop-down or numeric field.

In this use case a homeowner asks €7 per day and per pet.

Go to site settings and select reservation form layout add a new item of type dropdown.

We'll call this number of pets and add possible values from 0 to six.

Now go to site settings and select pricing manager to set up the dynamic pricing add a new rule of type reservation form item.

Select the recently added form item: number of pets.

In this case don't select any specific value to ensure all selections are covered so in the price field enter +7x where X in this notation means multiply by the numeric value of the form item.

When you finish setting up your new rules don't forget to test these with the test pricing rules button.

This page shows you which pricing rules were applied and how they changed the final price and will allow to easily detect problems with your rules.

You've now seen how the reservation form choices can affect the the price quoted to the customer.

The possibilities are endless so feel free to explore and tailor these features to your specific business needs.

See Q181 in the FAQ for detailed documentation about pricing manager.