FAQ Q370: How can I quickly update / manage multiple reservations at the same time?
Seksjon: Reservation management
First of all, you must go to a page which will list the reservations you want to modify. The exact page depends on how you want to identify these reservations. Some possibilities are:
- You can find all reservations of a specific customer in Customer list. Going to the user details page will show you a listing of their reservations
- The reservations listings in the blue menu on the left let you quickly go to e.g. latest reservations, upcoming reservations etc, reservations in progress etc.
- The green reservation search button on the top-right of each backend page lets you locate reservations based on a number of criteria such as customer's personal data, reservations with a specific form item value, reservations created between any two dates, reservations with arrivals between any two dates, etc.
- All shopping cart items will be listed on the reservation details page of any reservation in given shopping cart
Once you've reached the page listing the targeted reservations, click on the button
bulk manage items which you will find under the reservation listing. Note that if you listing contains more than 50 items, you'll need to perform the actions below multiple times, once for each page of the listing.
On the
Bulk manage items page you will see the details of each reservation, such as the resource and unit, dates, status, price, notes. You will also see all form items which have been included in
Additional columns on the
Customize activity overview dashboard page. It's a good idea to use this option to include any form item which is important for you to view in all listings and in the schedule without having to go to the reservation details page.
Some items such as resource choice, unit choice, notes or private notes you can now directly edit in the table. For all other operations / modifications you'll need to select the reservations in question (or click
Select all to select all reservations on the page) and then choose one of the operations you can perform on this page. Based on your site settings (mostly chosen in
active features) you will be able to perform one of the following operations in bulk on the selected reservations:
- change the reservation status, e.g. confirm, un-confirm, cancel, quiet cancel, do a check-in or check-out of the reservations, mark them as no-show
- delete the reservations (warning: this operation cannot be undone, usually it's better to cancel the reservations rather than do a full delete)
- lock / unlock the reservations: locking is useful in order to prevent other administrators (or the customer) from modifying in any way a reservation which one of the administrators is working on
- you can export the reservation details to a CSV file
- download a single PDF file with all the invoices of the selected reservations
- download a single PDF file with selected reservation document for all selected reservations
- send an email or sms message to all the customers from the selected reservations (could be useful to inform customers of a specific event of any last-minute changes etc.)
- set selected form item to given value simultaneously in all selected reservations
- change the price of all selected reservations
- recalculate the price of all selected reservations according to the latest pricing manager rules: this is useful if your pricing has changed and you'd like to make an update to the existing reservations where the price was calculated using an outdated pricing table
- assign selected reservations to given customer: this could be useful to merge reservations from different user ids to a single user id
- set the color of selected reservations