FAQ Q354: What cookies does Planyo store (cookie policy)?
Sezione: Paying for the Planyo account, terms of service and privacy
Planyo uses cookies exclusively in order to ensure the required functionality is possible. We don't share the cookies with third parties (see exceptions below needed for the basic functionality of planyo) and we don't use cookies for marketing purposes or any type of behavior tracking. Please see below for a detailed listing of all cookies which Planyo can potentially use.
Third-party cookies
The only third party cookies are used in the backend and in case of simple integration (reservation process on planyo.com). These cookies are required for the functionality of our hosting/infrastructure partners Amazon AWS and Imperva (cyber security). These cookies will have the following prefixes:
- incap_ses_, visid_incap_ - used by Imperva for anti-DDos protection; duration of the browsing session
- nibi_ - used by Amazon AWS; stores load-balancer information for our server infrastructure in Zurich region; duration of the browsing session
The frontend cookies are cookies created in the domain name where the planyo is integrated. For advanced integration this will be your domain name while for simple integration it will be planyo.com.
- planyo_cart_id, planyo_first_reservation_id, cookies prefixed with planyo_cart_ - these cookies are stored only when the shopping cart feature is used and are needed in order to store data related to the current shopping cart. This cookie is set for the duration of the current session and will not be used unless you use the shopping cart feature.
- ppp_refcode - this cookie is used only when your advanced integration uses the parameter ppp_refcode which you can use to store referer information of current user (see Q167). Unless you specifically use this parameter, the cookie will never be set. Otherwise stored for the duration of the current session.
The backend cookies will be only used for administrators/moderators who have logged into Planyo (meaning that if you test one of the demos of the Planyo backend, these cookies may also be set). The backend cookies will not be stored for visitors of websites that use Planyo as their reservation system.
- quick-setup, adv-ui, availability-preview-style, planyo-cal-nav, no_wysiwyg_editor, edited-resource, schedule_new, schedule_resource_id, schedule_start_date, schedule_view, schedule_site_id, css-editor-is-large, mode - these cookies store the previously used mode of different backend pages such as the calendar previews, the schedule view, the css editor etc.
- logusr, logpwd - these cookies store the login credentials if the user selected the checkbox "remember me on this computer" while logging in
- loglang - this cookie stores the currently used language
- AffiliateID - this cookie stores the ID of an affiliate in case the user arrives at planyo.com from an affiliate program link
- PHPSESSID - stores the current session ID
- metasite, last_admin_site_id - stores the ID of the last site or metasite administered by the logged in user