List payments made for your reservations. You can specify a number of parameters to filter the results.
The returned payments will be limited to those which were made between the spacified start and end date. For example, for the values start_date=2016-08-01&end_date=2016-08-31 the results will be limited to the payments made in August 2016.
End date limiting the time span for the returned payment. For example, 2016-08-31. See
start_date above.
resource_id int optional
If you specify resource ID, only payments made for reservations made for this resource will be listed.
site_id int optional
If using a metasite api key, setting site_id and not specifying any resource_id will list all payments for this site. If you specified a resource_id you may leave this parameter empty.
payment_mode_id_filter int optional
Optionally you can filter the results by a single payment mode ID
status int optional
By using this filter you can limit the results to payments with the given status. The allowed values are '1' for paid/successful payment, '2' for pending, '3' for errors and '4' for refunds.
method string required
must be set to
list_payments language string optional
by specifying a 2-letter (ISO 639-1) language code (all capital letters e.g. EN, DE, FR, ES, IT) you can change the language of the text values returned
api_key string required
your API key -
Click here to get your key. If your API key uses a hash key, you must also include the parameters
hash_key and hash_timestamp.
results array
Array whose items are named arrays with the following keys:
payment_id - unique identifier for the payment,
payment_date - date and time when the payment was made,
site_id - site ID for the reservation
payment_mode_id - numeric ID of the method used to make the payment: 2 - offline (cash), 3 - cheque, 4 - bank transfer, 5 - other, 6 - gift certificate, 9 - discount, 10 - credit card number left on file, or one of the following payment gateways: 1 - Paypal, 7 - Paypal Sandbox, 8 - Moneybookers, 11 - WorldPay, 12 - WorldPay Test, 13 -, 14 - Sage Pay, 15 - Sage Pay Test, 16 - MultiSafepay, 17 - MultiSafepay Test, 18 - EBS, 19 - Servired, 20 - Servired Test, 21 - - DPM, 22 - Mastercard MiGS, 23 - Wirecard QPAY, 24 - Paybox, 25 - Mercanet, 26 - SystemPay, 27 - SystemPay Test, 28 - CC Avenue, 29 - DIBS, 30 - DIBS Test, 31 - Cobrebem, 32 - Cobrebem Test, 33 - Be2Bill, 34 - Be2Bill Test, 35 -, 37 - Montrada, 38 - DIBS Flex, 39 - DIBS Flex Test, 46 - CMCIC, 47 - EWay, 48 - EWay Shared, 49 - Sherlock, 50 - CIM, 51 - CIM Test, 52 - Coinbase, 53 - Ogone, 54 - Saferpay, 55 - 4Cs, 56 - Stripe, 57 - Paylib, 58 - PayPal Payflow Pro, 59 - PayPal Payflow Pro Sandbox, 60 - Przelewy24, 61 -, 63 - NETS, 64 - Planyo test payment, 65 - PayPal Parallel, 66 - PayPal Parallel Sandbox, 67 - Concardis, 68 - Credomatic, 69 - Paypoint, 70 - HiPay, 71 - DataTrans, 72 - PayZen, 73 - InnoPay, 74 - mPay24, 75 - OSB, 76 - SocGen, 77 - BrainTree, 78 - CartaSi, 79 - VRPay, 80 - Homelocpay, 81 - Doku, 82 - MisterTango, 83 - Paycenter, 84 - PostFinance, 85 - Worldpay Online, 86 - PayU, 87 - MakeCommerce, 88 - Realex, 89 - Stripe Sofort, 90 - Heidelpay, 91 - Heidelpay Sofort, 92 - Payfort, 93 - SecureTrading, 94 - Tipi, 95 - Mollie, 96 - Paygenius, 97 - KlikAndPay, 98 - Bitvolo, 99 - custom payment gateway (use this value if implementing your own payment gateway as per FAQ Q231), 100 - Helcim, 101 - Moneris, 102 - accept hosted, 103 - Stripe Intent, 104 - EpayNC, 105 - WireCard HPP, 106 - Adyen, 107 - Stripe Checkout, 108 - SquareUp Checkout, 109 - PayPal Plus, 111 - Billmate, 112 - Paytrail, 113 - Bambora, 114 - Banca Alpi Maritime, 115 - Unzer, 116 - Viveum, 117 - Nets Easy, 118 - SoGe, 119 - PostFinance Checkout, 120 - Payrexx, 121 - Up2pay, 122 - Simplepay, 123 - Borgun, 124 - PayPal Checkout, 125 - Pay360, 126 - Doku Jokul, 127 - Clover hosted, 128, 40-45 and 128-136 - custom payment methods defined for the site, 137 - Vivawallet
payment_mode - name of the payment method,
payment_amount - amount of the payment,
payment_currency - currency used,
payment_comment - (optional) additional info about the payment,
extra_info - extra info stored for the payment,
custom_id - (optional) ID of the payment in the payment gateway,
status_code - status code of the payment. See the
status field above for the values,
status - status name,
reservation_id - reservation ID for which the payment was made,
resource_id - ID of the reserved resource,
user_id - user ID of the reservation,
email - email address of the user,
first_name - first name of the user,
last_name - last name of the user
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